国際ジオシンセティックス学会 日本支部 ロゴマーク

Japan Chapter of International Geosynthetics Society



PRE-8ICG Yokohama Special Lectures

"The Vienna Terzaghi Lecture" and "2005 Rankine Lecture"

(hosted by the Japan Chapter of the IGS and the Japanese Geotechnical Society)

●Room 501

●From 5:30 PM until 7:30 PM, 18th September 2006

Distributed material

Cover (pdf 0.4MB)

The Vienna Terzaghi Lecture/ Geosynthetics engineering: successes, failures and lessons learned by J.P. Giroud (pdf 3.5MB)

2005 Rankine Lecture/ Long term performance of contaminant barrier systems by R. Kerry Rowe (pdf 1.0MB)

(update: 2024.09.26 No:34)
